What is the Meaning of Chinese Immersion for Children?

China being an extremely hard-working and intelligent country knows how to bring out the best from among their population. They very effectively have tuned their weakness of a huge population into an extremely clever weapon of human resources which they effectively use to develop their existing sectors as well as make new ventures. Such a scheme of them is the Chinese immersion program which has now been adopted by many countries across the world, especially America.










This immersion program is basically a very innovative and creative process to teach young kids different languages mainly English and Chinese simultaneously through an inbuilt


immersion process so that the child can grasp the nuances and basics of the language very easily at that tender age because the brain of the child is not yet fixed on certain patterned learning methods. Thus this process of immersion starts from kindergarten level and goes on to university level for an all-round and overall learning. This has been a practice in Chinese kindergarten schools since a long time and is now being extensively practiced in America as well where students are kept under different kind of immersion programs whereby they are spoken with both the languages that us Chinese and English simultaneously in school.

One learning centre that practices this is Chengzhu Mandarin Centre. More information can be found on their page here. Chengzhu Chinese enrichment classes cater to both children and adult learners, and have been well received by both. You should visit their website if you are serious about learning Chinese.

Be it any kind of instructions in school or the study material itself, teachers use the vocabulary of both these languages to communicate with the kids. As a result of which the kids get accustomed to these languages through all spheres. It can be a fifty-fifty program where half of the day Chinese is used and English is used for the other half of the day as the language of communication. It can be a eighty- twenty percent program where time management is done accordingly. It has been seen that through this method, as the child is getting the benefit of both the languages and their cultures from a very young age, they tend to imbibe all that is good and research have proved this to be an excellent method of creating an intelligent and smart generation. Along with other benefits, the Chinese immersion program is strategically very cheap and thus can be very easily applied to by institutions all over.

In China and in America, the authorities make sure to appoint properly trained and certified teachers for such programs so that the best and nothing else is imparted to the children. And seen from the child psychology, it has been proved that as both the languages are coming to them from the same teachers, their difficulty in grasping the subjects becomes less and much more adaptable.

An extremely well thought and scientific process, this is sure to be of benefit for everybody who comes in contact.